Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I Wanna Be SuperWoman

So, I realize I haven't exactly been working on the 'new and improved me' as much as I should be lately. In fact, my intention was to keep this blog all about that, but I've been slipping up. A lot. Then I was reading for school yesterday when I came upon this sentence, which really struck a chord with me...

"The jack-of-all-trades may be a very colorful individual but is certainly not an efficient producer."

Have you, by chance, read my profile? I listed my occupation as a jack-of-all-trades. And that's completely true--I wear many hats. But I don't exactly excel in any area of my life. Perhaps I need to work harder. Perhaps I'm actually trying too hard. Who knows.

As I sit here, thinking about all the things I want to accomplish this year (writing, finishing school, becoming healthier, reading all those books, etc.)...I can't honestly say, without hesitation or reluctance, that any one is more important than the other other to me. I want--need--to write because it's just who I am. It's in me. Without it, life's just not right. I want to finish school, because I really want to get a 'real job'. I want to lose weight and feel better about myself, because I'm sick to death of feeling like crap. I also want to read anything I can get my hands on because I know it'll help me be a better writer and also because I've gotta feed the soul, you know? Life can't be all work.

So, here's the question: How the hell do I do it all and still be efficient?

Okay, that made me laugh. 'Still' probably isn't the best word, because that implies I have been efficient, which is not the case. It's also funny because, while I love that quote above and know it applies to me, I still can't accept that fact that I've probably stacked too many big challenges on my plate.

You know what I need? A cape. And superpowers.


And after all of that dribble-drabble, now I'll tell you the good news... I worked out this morning. Thought that maybe if I got my energy level up maybe I wouldn't be so overwhelmed. It felt great. I even ran, if you can believe it. Granted, it was only for three minutes, but it didn't kill me. And I didn't break the treadmill. :) Oh, and I shave my legs. Probably more than you needed to know, but that's quite an achievement for lazy ol' me. :)


  1. If I had an extra 2 hours every day, I'd be so much happier. can you imagine? 2 golden hours to get the work done, or read the book, or do your NAILS!

  2. Even people who think they are efficient, still feel they can be more so, feel they need more time in the day, feel that they should be able to pile more on their plates and steal a few minutes for themselves.

    No one is superwoman/man...except maybe me....;)

  3. I love shaving my legs.
    It's true, you can't be superwoman, so you are going to have to do what you can and know it's the best you can do. That is, if you are doing the best you can do, of course. Keep at it. soon school will be over... the books will get read...

    You won't succeed until you can be happy where you are. It's like winning the next level on that video game and happiness is winning. :) You can do it.
