Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas Cookies!

Since I will be spending most of my weekend slaving away in the kitchen baking Christmas cookies and other sweet treats (and also not doing so well on the losing weight goal), I thought I'd share a favorite family recipe: my Grandma Church's famous sour cream sugar cookies.

Now my immediate family happens to like the cookies rolled out a bit thicker, because then they end up softer, but they're also delicious rolled out thin and cooked crispy. Let me know if you give them a try. J

Grandma Church's Sour Cream Sugar Cookies

1 c. shortening

1 ½ c. sugar

1 c. sour cream

1 tsp. baking soda

2 tsp. vanilla

4 c. flour, plus extra to roll dough

Cream first five ingredients together, then add flour. Roll to desired thickness, cut, and back on ungreased cookie sheet at 350 degrees until golden brown. Honestly, I don't know long this takes since I usually just keep an eye on them and, since there aren't any eggs in the recipe, taking the cookies out while they're still a little soft is fine. I think they're actually better that way myself. Frost them as desired and then enjoy. :)

1 comment:

  1. Ugh - I have to be in the mood to bake holiday cookies.
    Not this year though, I'm not baking.

    I just get the handoffs from others. nom nom nom.
