Thursday, December 18, 2008


Why have I never heard that acronym (at least in regard to setting goals) before? Have I been living under a rock or what? Please...don't answer that.

In case you don't know what setting SMART goals is all about, I'll tell ya:

  • S - Specific. Set specific goals. "Write today" does not count. "Write 1500 words today" does.
  • M - Measurable. Set goals that are measurable. "Read more" is not cool, but "Read 8 books this month" is.
  • A - Attainable. Set goals that you can actually achieve. "Lose 50 lbs. by spring" is setting yourself up for failure. "Lose 5 lbs. this month" is much more like to happen.
  • R - Realistic. Like above, set goals you can actually do. "Never eat chocolate again"...bwaahahaha! "Eat chocolate only once a week" is a still a stretch, but is also a more realistic goal.
  • T - Timely. Give yourself a specific time frame in which to achieve the goal and stick to it! This is perhaps my biggest downfall when it comes to setting and keeping goals.


  1. All great points!! I'm a fan of KISS.
    Keep It Simple, Stupid.

  2. KISS is far easier to remember. Though SMART sounds more intelligent.
